german colonies

  1. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    German colonies in 1917 CP Victory

    Before World War 1, Germany had amassed the third largest colonial empire in the world, second only to Britain and France. However, these were mostly lost by 1915, although Paul von Lettow-Vorbek managed to cause significant trouble for the British and French in German East Africa. So my...
  2. Adelsverein somewhere other than Texas?

    Could the Adelsverein and the efforts around it have taken place elsewhere if for some reason Texas was uninterested or unavailable? What might the repercussions be?
  3. AltoRegnant

    United Germany's Colonies?

    Say by some handwavium, Germany remains a united nation like France or England. Where would they want to colonize in the americas and in Asia with these centuries of additional time? Only constraint is that Iberians still got there first, so they still got the same basic stuff as otl I imagine...