2004 democratic primaries

  1. Oliveia

    All the Way to Washington: Howard Dean and the Fight to Take Back America
    Threadmarks: Title Card & Introduction

    ALL THE WAY TO WASHINGTON: Howard Dean and the Fight to Take Back America On this day, 20 years ago, former Governor Howard Dean of Vermont let out a loud cry in an Iowa concession speech. This is where the story starts and ends for most people. The “I have a scream” speech, it was called at...
  2. JohnEdwards2012

    How would John Edwards do as the Democratic nominee in 2004

    Can you imagine him doing well enough in Ohio to beat Bush? Could he win, or get the margins tight in North Carolina, and Virginia? Who would he pick as his running mate?
  3. JimmyCarter1980

    Why is John Kerry the best performing Democratic Primary candiate in the history of open primaries?

    Look at recent primaries, and the delegate count, popular vote difference, etc... and it's hard to find another Democrat who won his parties nomination so quickly and overwhelming (and please don't point to Gore vs Bradley, that doesn't count) Ironically of course, Kerry lost to Bush, and...
  4. JimmyCarter1980

    Who would've Howard Dean picked as his VP, had he won the nomination in 2004?

    Hey folks. I'd really like to write up a Howard Dean scenario, or even make a silly wikibox. But I'm a bit stumped on who he would've picked as his VP. Gephardt seemed the obvious choice at first, but they argued a fair amount during the primaries and sort of attract the same voter. Is Edwards...