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  1. Malaya What If

  2. WI Historically Islam slows in Palestine / 1947: Palestinians are 65% Christian

    Just to be clear, you mean British mandate Palestine I asume? And in this time it is some sort of leftover of a longer living Kingdom of Jerusalem, which in the end was subdued by the Ottomans? And despite Ottoman rule of several centuries still remained largely Christian?
  3. Malaya What If

    Agree 5 days of war doesn't look impressive but the, most pessimistic German estimation, was 2 days to submit the Dutch. Their airborn assault turned out not to be the walk in the park operation as assumed. Around the Hague the airborn operation was a failure costing quite some transports and...
  4. Neanderthals develop written alphabet before contact with Homo sapiens

    This is probably an outdated theory. See post #4 . Göbekli Tepe is buil before agriculture and looks stunningly more advanced than Stone Henge, which is 6000 years younger. It seems more likely that development of spirituality, gods, religion, is far more important in humanoid development than...
  5. AHC: Greater Belgium/Northern Brabant joins the Belgian revolt.

    Completly disagree. The French intervention of 1831 was already on the edge. An outright annexation by France would not be accepted by the Great Powers. especially by a revolutionairy France as after1830. Despite the internal problems the other Great Power had. Only possible if , as you...
  6. AHC: Greater Belgium/Northern Brabant joins the Belgian revolt.

    As an adition of the map above. A Greater Belgium like this, mean a far greater 'Dutch, in all her dialects, and Luxeburgisch speaking population. Although the upper class would speak French, as in the North, I doubt if the new Begian regime would dare to force French as administrative...
  7. AHC: Greater Belgium/Northern Brabant joins the Belgian revolt.

    Map made by HistoryDraft on devianart. According to the maker this is a result of an earlier and more violent split of the Netherlands. I do like the map how ever to me it is more likely that the North Netherlands will include the river island Norh of Geertruidenberg. More plausible is that...
  8. AHC: Greater Belgium/Northern Brabant joins the Belgian revolt.

    There is one aspect often forgotten of the Belgian Revolt. The revolt was not a stand alone event. The restauration regimes post Napoleon were very, very repressive. The censor ship and secret police repression in the whole of Europe was very severe. Every slightest liberal or remotly...
  9. AHC: Greater Belgium/Northern Brabant joins the Belgian revolt.

    If a Greater Belgium will appear at the negotiating table in lets say a treaty in 1839 in London, it would have a greater population which is common to use Dutch as the administrative language and would be hostile to a Francophone administration. Further there will be a larger Calvinistic minory...
  10. AHC: Greater Belgium/Northern Brabant joins the Belgian revolt.

    That is the flaw of School History in the North Netherlands, nearly, every thing is pushed to the reliogius cause while in reality religion was a secondary point or at least most of it a minor factor. See the 80 years war or civil war as it is someimes called in the South (belgium) since it...
  11. Malaya What If

    I am counting the post up to 7 December, like the seconds to midnight at 31 December 😄
  12. January 1943. The German View

    It seems Germany is more or less in the same situation as in 1918. Won the East front but is confronted by the, un imaginable, production capacities of the USA and Great Brittain. As example the Sturm troopers during the Micheal offensive in 1918 were perprex of the quantity of food, bevarge and...
  13. Malaya What If

    I completely agree with this analyse. How ever I start to compare the present situation with the situation of the 1930ties and early 40ties and I do start to see several parallels in case of leadership and political will with our present time. The relative simple improvements, tiny alterations...
  14. Marineflieger Kommando: MFK - Hitlers Fleet Air Arm

    Corret notvto dive in to this, but it will greatly impact your nice time line of the MFK
  15. Marineflieger Kommando: MFK - Hitlers Fleet Air Arm

    An occupation of Murmansk, is a major succes for the Germans. This deprived the Sovjets of a major supply base of the very, very much needed Western Allies. Only Persia and Siberian coast is left open for supplies
  16. Charles V gave the Low Countries to Austria Philip II continue reconquista?

    Interesting input. But remember, the Burgundy lands are Not His realm, here now part of the Austrian branch, his uncle. Ande he was not realy a hard line devoot man. So what you sugest Philip II could have more time, money and energy to fight the Ottomans and take some easy picks on the South...
  17. Charles V gave the Low Countries to Austria Philip II continue reconquista?

    Just a thought Charles V devided his realm different. The Burgundian kreist, the Low Countires would be part of the Austrian Habsburg realm while Castille, Arragon and Naples went to his son Philips II. Now the quarrels of the Low Countries is not Phillips II concenrn. Would Phillips a devout...
  18. The Grand Duchy of the West - A Valois-Burgundian TL

    The winter campaign should take it's toll on the French mob troops as well, despite chirugians and supplies. By the time of Spring normaly armies of this size, and in this time period, are melted away, due to sickness, looting ''accidents'', desertion, since the mob took its looting share. The...
  19. The Grand Duchy of the West - A Valois-Burgundian TL

    Why should there be anti Burgundian sentiments allong the Rhine? These cities and towns benefit tremendous from trade with the Low countires. The winter campaign of France taken Burgundy by suprice should create a reaction. One of this leasson learned , by the Duke should be the creation of a...
  20. Royal Netherlands Navy as it could be in 1942

    ...cruisers Tromp class Name Builder Laid down Launched Commissioned Tromp NSM (Nederlandse Scheepsbouw Maatscahppij) Amsterdam 17 January 1935*(1936) 24 May 1936*(1937) 18 August 1937*(1938) Jacob van Heemskerck NSM Amsterdam 31 October 1936*(1937) 16 September 1938*( 1939) 10 May...