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  1. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    @Shevek23 Damn. It's honestly quite flattering to have someone write up such a thorough and well-thought out speculative post on something I've written. I appreciate it. Without spoiling anything, I'll say a lot of your speculations are pretty much spot on for what I have planned, a few others...
  2. Alternate names for the CSA?

    “Republic of the Southland”? Just ‘Southland’ colloquially.
  3. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    He's just flipping it around, saying, "well, they passed that time, but now it's our turn." Inverting your enemies slogans is a time-honored tradition, so I think it's reasonable he might say that. During 1937, high tide of the Republic around the time of Brunete, a common extension of the...
  4. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    Like General MacArthur, I have returned. Here we have some stuff centered around the US, and the Spanish Republican exile movement.
  5. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War
    Threadmarks: Winter and Spring of 1942: The Land of the Free

    ...according to the best traditions of our nation, and have earned their hallowed place of honor alongside those who fell at Lexington and Gettysburg in defense of sacred liberty.” [1] thanks to @theg*ddam*hoi2fan for the suggestion of a post-war film about the Siege of Gibraltar starring David...
  6. What TL ideas do you have that will probably never see the light of day?

    I have an idea for a socialist America TL that's a bit different from most. Rather than the revolution happening in the 1910s or the 1930s, it happens in the 1960s. The POD is similar to Reds!, with some small changes in the late 19th century ultimately producing a much stronger American labor...
  7. What if Himmler attempted to remove Hitler from power?

    ...and tried it for some reason I guess some higher SS figures would follow, but most probably wouldn't (why commit suicide?) and most importantly the *army* wouldn't, and Himmler's coup would get squashed very quickly. Himmler certainly is executed and possibly very brutally. So much for...
  8. Could the October Revolution have happened without World War 1?

    I don’t think Nicholas and Alexandra opening their marriage would have saved the Romanov dynasty, but it’s an interesting idea.
  9. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    Within the world of TTL, I was writing it from the perspective of a committed leftist if not outright communist who got a job in the OWI, as many did IOTL, and is probably still fuming over the Republican defeat (and who in turn probably got most of his info on Spain from pro-Republican Popular...
  10. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    Thanks to @Mitridates the Great for giving me the name 'Iberia Korps.'
  11. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War
    Threadmarks: Winter of 1941 - '42: Portugal, And A House Divided

    "It is Portugal's honor to be the last bastion of Christian civilization on the European continent." - Antonio Salazar, 1942 "Wir sind das Deutsche 'Iberia Korps,' Der Führers verwegene Truppe!" - Song of the 'Iberia Korps,' 1942 - '43 Excerpt from The Salazar Years, by Filip Ribeiro de...
  12. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    ...democracies, not everybody was so complacent. Just as our republic would not have survived without men from foreign lands like Tadeusz Kosciuszko* who came to fight for American liberty, so thousands of men from every corner of the world arrived in Spain to give their sweat, blood, and even...
  13. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    Real answer is I meant to include a mention of the IB but I forgot : p We can say the writers worked them in a little later somehow, since that’s only PART of the transcript.
  14. 2024 Turtledoves - (Closes (15/02/24) - Best Early 20th Century Timeline Nominations and Seconds

    I’m flattered but wouldn’t it run aground of the “must have been worked on in 2023” rule?
  15. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    Yep, next update will probably deal with Portugal, and then I'll address what the Spanish Republican exiles are up to and their relationship with the Allies.
  16. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    Man, nothing gets by people on this website lol. I’ll fix it in a bit, glad you like the story though.
  17. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    It's cool. Glad you're still enjoying the TL. Canaries were seized by the British way back in I think the second update, but I didn't spend too much time on it.
  18. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    Honestly my inclusion of that bit had nothing to do with any [RECENT GEOPOLITICAL EVENTS]. Didn't even enter my mind. I just remember reading, I think in a very old Republican propaganda book published during the SCW, "oh the fascists use red crosses as targets," and I figured it was the kind of...
  19. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    This almost certainly didn't really happen ITTL. Remember, it's a transcript for a propaganda film. IOTL it was a real thing that the Republicans accused the rebels of, but I highly doubt it ever happened, mostly because it would be hard to pull of from a warplane even if the pilot was so...