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  1. Mad Bad Rabbit

    1528 Welsers Klein-Venedig California gold rush

    A) In 1524, the only European settlement on the Pacific Ocean is Panamá Viejo, an outpost of ~100 people, operated jointly by Spain and the Republic of Genoa. Their limited shipbuilding capacity is being used to send expeditions south to Chile, not north; and they're not gonna be keen to provide...
  2. Mad Bad Rabbit

    1528 Welsers Klein-Venedig California gold rush

    There are not any in 1528.
  3. Mad Bad Rabbit

    What if Grunge and MTV came out during the late 60s

    1968: Don Kirshner premieres MonkeeTV -- all Monkees, all day.
  4. Mad Bad Rabbit

    AHC: The United States legalizes marijuana in the 1970s — with the help of a better activist group than “NORML” ! ! !

    Young people may have been open to new ideas, but their elders (the ones with political power) sure weren't; I was there. Ok, so the entire decade after 1973.
  5. Mad Bad Rabbit

    Leonid Brezhnev dies earlier in 1975/1977, how does this change the USSR and the world?

    Related question: who might succeed Brezhnev if he and Nixon die joyriding at Camp David, June 1973?
  6. Mad Bad Rabbit

    AHC: The United States legalizes marijuana in the 1970s — with the help of a better activist group than “NORML” ! ! !

    Even if there were a more professional activist organization pushing for legalization, a lot of reactionary Americans associated marijuana use with the destruction of all the power structures and social norms they held dear. Marijuana smokers? Draft-dodging, race-mixing, socialist, atheist...
  7. Mad Bad Rabbit

    What if Nikita Khrushchev never became the leader of the Soviet Union?

    Among other things, Trofim Lysenko taught that normal genetics was anti-socialist, that farmers should plant seeds as close together as possible because plants obey socialism, that plants can be forced to transform into completely different species (e.g. rye into wheat) and that late-season...
  8. Mad Bad Rabbit

    What if Nikita Khrushchev never became the leader of the Soviet Union?

    On the other hand Malenkov was an even bigger supporter of Lysenkoism than Khruschev (he helped edit Lysenko's original paper, in order to get Stalin interested in it) , so agriculture probably does worse.
  9. Mad Bad Rabbit

    Would a Hybrid Heli-Carrier style Airship be practical?

    Bottom line: a flying aircraft carrier just isn't practical without contragravity.
  10. Mad Bad Rabbit

    Would a Hybrid Heli-Carrier style Airship be practical?

    They didn't have enough aluminum for their non-crackpot projects, let alone this one.
  11. Mad Bad Rabbit

    Hoover bails out the Banks stopping Great Depression

    Mellon felt the government should not intervene, and needed to let banks, businesses and individual households sink or stay afloat on their own, there was no saving the weak ones.
  12. Mad Bad Rabbit

    Neanderthals develop written alphabet before contact with Homo sapiens

    Record things on cave walls. Births, deaths, great deeds of chieftains, prayers to the hunting gods, etc.
  13. Mad Bad Rabbit

    Hoover bails out the Banks stopping Great Depression

    Yeah that'd be great, but absolutely not happening. -- Eichengreen & Temin, "Fetters of Gold and Paper" [2010] I'd believe a 1930 USA Communist Revolution timeline before a Hoover New Deal.
  14. Mad Bad Rabbit

    Leonid Brezhnev dies earlier in 1975/1977, how does this change the USSR and the world?

    [ how the hell did a farm kid with literal surname Kulakov not only avoid liquidation under Stalin, but work his way up a senior Politburo member? ]
  15. Mad Bad Rabbit

    Neanderthals develop written alphabet before contact with Homo sapiens

    Göbekli Tepe is thought to have been built by hunter-gatherers, so it's plausible they could have achieved the much less demanding task of inventing a written language. It might not be decipherable after they went extinct tho.
  16. Mad Bad Rabbit

    WI: Annie Oakley accidentally kills Kaiser Wilhelm in 1890?

    She would almost certainly be detained and not allowed to leave Berlin. She shot the Kaiser dead! She's world-reknowned for her accuracy -- was it an accident? Etc.
  17. Mad Bad Rabbit

    WI: Annie Oakley accidentally kills Kaiser Wilhelm in 1890?

    Note that the above incident was actually in 1889 November 1890, during the second European tour of "Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show" How will Ms. Oakley's trial and execution affect US-German relations, already at a recent crisis point over Samoa? Would Hearst try to whip this into a war?
  18. Mad Bad Rabbit

    AHC: Kill the Fast Food Industry

    No, that just gives us ⭐️ Karl Marx's Jr. , home of the Potato Burger.
  19. Mad Bad Rabbit

    What if the USSR and Eastern Europe accepted the Marshall plan?

    Oh... I had not seen anyone bump their own thread before. 🤔 yeah pls post fresh content and we'll gladly visit.
  20. Mad Bad Rabbit

    What if the USSR and Eastern Europe accepted the Marshall plan?

    It is considered rude to bump, and it is explicitly against site rules to "necro" a dead thread (one that's been abandoned more than a few months) -- a checkbox should have appeared warning you not to do that. [ normally @CalBear would also lock the dead thread at this point... ]