Recent content by zookeeper

  1. WI: JFK lives, LBJ vs. Nixon 1968

    Can anyone other then Nixon win the Republican nomination in this scenario?:confused:
  2. WI: Return to the Planet of the Apes

    Nortan i colected the books you talked abou ti did not like it was only in black and white.:(
  3. Era of Hope

    liberal democrats outnumbered the southern dixicrats then.
  4. Era of Hope

    J.F.K experience with his advisors in cubanmissel crisis mad ehim not trust them, ex. Curtis Lemay.
  5. Era of Hope

    Richard M. Nixon 1969-1974 Republican The 36th president of the United States knew what it was like losing a close one to Jack Kennedy in 1960. However in 1968. Nixon won a close one. beating out Wallace. H.H.H President Nixon passed the clean water act ,lowered taxes...
  6. Era of Hope

    Feb 26, 1965 President Kennedy signs the Tax Reduction Act lowering income tax rates from a range of 20-91% to 14-70%. Corporate rates are reduced from 52% to 48%. Aug 30, 1965 Jul 2, 1965 Civil Rights Act of 1964 President Kennedy signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The act outlaws...
  7. Era of Hope

    President Kennedy and his staff sit in the Oval Office and watch the election returns. "Either we sail or sink!", Kennedy said to his staff. Walter Cronkite comes on the air to announce the winner. "While Goldwater has won many Democratic strongholds in the South, as well as his home state...
  8. Era of Hope

    November 22.1963 John F. Kennedy visits Dallas Texas in 1960 he nearly carried that state against then vice president Richard Nixon The reason President Kennedy came to Dallas that morning on November 22, 1963. to clear up a spilt in the democratic party between the liberal and...
  9. The Watchman Waketh: A recursive TL.

    I like too see Muskie vrs Ford in 76.
  10. List alternate PMs or Presidents

    I changed that line.:p
  11. List alternate PMs or Presidents

    JFK LIVES ! 36.John f. Kennedy 1961-1969 D 37. Charles Percy 1969-1973] R 38. Hubert Humphrey 1973-1975*1 D 39.Leroy Collins 1975-1981 D 40. Howard Baker 1981-1989 R 41. Paul Laxalt 1989-1993 R 42. Paul Tsongas 1993**2 D 43. Tom Laughlin 1993-2001 D 44. Bill Frist 2001-2005 R...
  12. Timeline Help

    The show is shown in reruns in the summer and is picked up as a midseason replasement. maybe fes parker is picked as a recoring charector.there was only one regular that may of been a problem in the series demise.
  13. The Watchman Waketh: A recursive TL.

    The conservative wing of the Republican party proably not to happy with Rockefeller as president. I wonder if his heart will last.If reagan will chalenge him ina primary.
  14. AH Title and Description Game

    A movie satire set in a world where John F.Kennedy survived his assaination. It is 1969 and Richard Nixon is about to take the oath of office when a mad scientist spills a forumula on John Knenedy where he is spilt into two one Knenedy is his normal self. the other quite mad. All...
  15. The Watchman Waketh: A recursive TL.

    I am enjoying this! Swifty how about some obscure figour succeed Mr. Nixon.How does history look at Robert Knenedy?