Recent content by Upvoteanthology

  1. Upvoteanthology

    The People's Socialist Atlas

    Just updated it, should be good to go now. :) Maybe! If anyone actually wants it, then perhaps. By the way, copies of the book have started to be delivered! Mine was delivered earlier today, here's what it looks like: :D Exciting!
  2. Upvoteanthology

    The People's Socialist Atlas

    Hey, everyone! The book on Amazon, AND copies of the book have finally been shipped out! Sorry for the long wait. As I said before, Amazon made us entirely reformat the book in order for them to put it up for sale. With the help of @Kanan, the issues have been sorted out. Really excited for...
  3. Upvoteanthology

    The People's Socialist Atlas

    Hi! I responded to that question here: Basically, there are issues with the formatting of the book. It's being worked on, and books will be sent out soon.
  4. Upvoteanthology

    The People's Socialist Atlas

    It will be released, don’t worry about that. It’s just that a fair amount of work needs to be done before I can send books out, which I feel very bad about haha. Maybe a couple weeks at most.
  5. Upvoteanthology

    The People's Socialist Atlas

    It will be. :) Also, I posted about this on the discord (, but I'll post about it here too just to be entirely transparent. Amazon, the publication service I've been using to send books out, has been giving me a lot of trouble when it comes to printing my book. I...
  6. Upvoteanthology

    The People's Socialist Atlas

    Okay, so, after two and a half years of constant writing and mapmaking, this huge project has finally reached its end. "The People Have Spoken", the print version of the People's Socialist Atlas, is a 465-page book with over 110 pages of maps. I've spent the last few months staying up late to...
  7. Upvoteanthology

    Map Thread XVIII

    Okay, so, after two and a half years of constant writing and mapmaking, this huge project has finally reached its end. "The People Have Spoken", the print version of the People's Socialist Atlas, is a 465-page book with over 110 pages of maps. I've spent the last few months staying up late to...
  8. Upvoteanthology

    The People's Socialist Atlas

    I mean, this is probably the one book I’ll make, I don’t have plans to turn this into a series. :P But sure, if I make another book, then I’ll advertise it here.
  9. Upvoteanthology

    The People's Socialist Atlas

    It’s not released yet!!! The link will come tomorrow, like I said in the post I made a few minutes ago!!! Nope, buy it whenever!
  10. Upvoteanthology

    The People's Socialist Atlas

    Great question! Probably just a paperback for the forseeable future, as ebooks are pretty easy to pirate.
  11. Upvoteanthology

    The People's Socialist Atlas

    The print version of the atlas is dropping TOMORROW!!! Tomorrow, along with some more fun maps with the book, I’ll post a link to where you can finally buy it! It’s honestly nerve wracking, soon you’ll all get to see the amount of work I put into making this thing! Today’s map is of Canada...
  12. Upvoteanthology

    Map Thread XVIII

    Sorry if anything I said yesterday caused drama. :) Anyway, the print version of the atlas is dropping TOMORROW!!! Tomorrow, along with some more fun maps with the book, I’ll post a link to where you can finally buy it! It’s honestly nerve wracking, soon you’ll all get to see the amount of work...
  13. Upvoteanthology

    Map Thread XVIII

    I’ll be done. I’ve enjoyed my time here, but it’s time to move on. Plus, people won’t exactly remember me anyway :p
  14. Upvoteanthology

    The People's Socialist Atlas

    Hey everyone, I’m back with another exclusive map from the print version of the People’s Socialist Atlas. It’s coming out in TWO DAYS, so get ready! It’s 400 pages of lore and maps I worked extremely hard on. I’m looking forward to releasing it to the world, and I hope you’ll buy it! The link to...
  15. Upvoteanthology

    Map Thread XVIII

    Hey everyone, I’m back with another exclusive map from the print version of the People’s Socialist Atlas. It’s coming out in TWO DAYS, so get ready! It’s 400 pages of lore and maps I worked extremely hard on. I’m looking forward to releasing it to the world, and I hope you’ll buy it! The link to...