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  • Gukpard


  • "They never asked me a favour for the good of the country, just for the good of someone..." Vargas on individualism, a day before his death.
  • Gukpard


  • "To guarantee order, stability, cohesion and social justice are the objectives of the government, to its success we shall not spare efforts"
  • Gukpard


  • Sometimes my father remembers of POTUS Gerard Ford, remind him of a ford motors commercial who said "Made like the Americans, chose a Ford"
  • Gukpard


  • The greatest democratic populists of the 1950s were Vargas, Peron, Odria and a questionable addition is Jimenez, as he was a dictator.
  • Gukpard


  • "Brazil is like the USA if the South had won the civil war so hard that they annexed the north" - Darcy RIbeiro, sociologist.
  • Gukpard


  • A irrelevant thing that ruined my day: they killed Huey Long in kaiserreich, and there is nothing that can be done about it.
  • Gukpard


  • For the last time: Perón was NOT a dictator.
    How so?
    Gukpard 1
    He was democratically elected and re-elected. The people from USA believes that he was a dictator since he had a very anti USA presidency.
  • TimTurner


  • it sounds great!
    hey, rich cultures tend to produce nice songs, so it shouldn't be surprising Brasil has produced some.
  • Gukpard


  • One of the most iconical cases was Miguel Costa, he died on a live TV transmission being applauded by the public in 1959, a hero departure.
  • Gukpard


  • Cont. of the last note, Jango died exiled under a suspicious heart attack. Tanc. Neves died before taking power, we are a people of tragedy.
  • Gukpard


  • Everyone who ever fought for Brazil had a tragic end. Pedro II was couped, Afonso Pena got crushed, Vargas suicided, JK was exiled...
  • Gukpard


  • Sometimes I find the job I do taking on historical footage and posting is worthless, do anyone care about that in Brazil?
  • Ricardolindo

  • Ricardolindo
    Francoist Spain was never truly fascist, let alone openly, while during the war years, the Falangists had considerable power, the true leader was always Franco and he was never a fascist, just a conservative/reactionary Catholic nationalist. Hitler, even, said that he was upset that the Spanish Civil War had not resulted in a fascist Spain, just a conservative/reactionary Catholic nationalist one.
    It is very dificult to comment here, so let's continue in private. Well:

    1- If they liberalize to the point of being unsustainable, they end discarding the school indocrination, that was the main point of the argument. There is also the possibility of a peacefull opening like on some scenarios like Stresa revived.
    Gukpard 1
    2- I... confess it was a bluff. I also know that Franco is not a fascist but everyone calls him as that here so I was afraid to contest that. Well, Franco was not a fascist, true, but the process of opening began in '47, he removed the autarchy, began opening the economy, approaching america, etc. The point remains that if Fascist italy survived, it would be strong enought for a fazzi bloc.
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