Recent content by Duma of Houston

  1. Map Thread VII

    any useful critigues on mine?
  2. Map Thread VII

    France another attempt at a map broshure/poster thingy Pod during the One Hundred years war
  3. A powerful Britain, without India?

    maybe they take Indonesia? Its had a lot of wealth in it at verious points
  4. Spanish Colonies

    i think ik what u mean its that war over some island starts with a c i think chile and peru fought spain i believe
  5. Spanish Colonies

    First Question: What was Spains most valuable colony in the New World Second: what colonies do you think Spain coudve kept after napoleonic wars? I was thinking Mexico would probably be the most valuable, but Peru would probably be the most likely to be kept Wouldnt a Spain with more...
  6. A Blank Map Thread

    hi does anyone know of a good base map for an Ottoman map like one with the balkans and Middle East in it i have an idea of making a map with a late ottoman empire thanks in advance:)
  7. MoF 24: Nothing lasts forever

    a very slight change to the map delete the previous one
  8. Truely evil people

    Ya maybe I missed the point there. Anyway I'm just saying in my opinion some people had no real reason to do what they did, that there life or society did not shape them to do so.
  9. Truely evil people

    Hapsburg, I see your point. I disagree though. Hitler and other Nazi leaders triggered the Halocaust. This genocide of Jews on such a scale was never accepted by the west as a whole, reguardless of some anti semetic views. Another was the unnessary killings of Tamerlane. In both cases society...
  10. Truely evil people

    What people in history are truely evil? And I mean evil. People like geghis Kahn in my opinion aren't, just the killing was acceptable for it's time and the way his society was. I mean like people who really have no reason to do what they did.
  11. Map Thread VI

    about my japan map i see what you mean well they never really expanded much untill the 1700s with Korea, after that they had taken Luzon since the Spanish really didnt really have a strong claim there . Taiwan was conquered after the Qing colapsed due to the Taiping rebellion analogue...
  12. Map Thread VI

    Japanese empire A map of a Japanese Empire that never had an isloationist Tokugawa period
  13. Map Thread VI

    this is my MOF submission
  14. MoF 24: Nothing lasts forever

    a successor of sorts to the Byzantines
  15. Map Thread VI

    Revision Hi i added names of teh countries and added the top 11 cities in North America The premise of this time line was to make the USA and Mexico have as many problems as possible. By doing this i hoped Texas could grow uniterupted. Mexico had a very bad civil war after texas succeeded and...