
Sup, my names Blasta!

I'm from England/Britain/the UK/Airstrip One and as tired of the current political situation as everyone else.

I enjoy singing, drama and falling to temptation and buying Minecraft again. And then Stellaris when the Coronavirus panic attack comes calling. And then Civilisation 6 when the Second Coronavirus panic attack comes calling.

I have two cats (called Boe and Edmund), both are manipulative arseholes. I also apparently have a Fox called Aslan, which comes when called and keeps stealing the cats' food. I do not have a pet Spinosaurus, though am interested in buying one. I also do not have a Halo Ring, though I do have a Lego Death Star.

Edit: I no longer have a Lego Death Star, my brother broke it.

Edit: I do now have Warhammer, which has improved the situation.

I stick my face in places throughout this site, mainly the ASOIAF, Harry Potter, Star Wars and MCU sections; though I do have a soft spot fot Warhammer, LOTR, Tomb Raider and the Legend of Zelda. I also lurk about Chat nowadays, to my annoyance.

My current stories are:
  • The Cat from Kanto (Legendary Pokemon ISOT'd to ASOIAF) (On temporary hiatus but will be taken up again when possible)
  • Stag, Dog and Wolf (Harry Potter AU) (In Progress)
  • The Story of Hyrule (Legend of Zelda History) (On indefinite hiatus)
My other stories are:
  • A High Fantasy Planetos (Abandoned, may eventually be rewritten)
  • The Legend of Larra Stark (ASOIAF/Tomb Raider) (On indefinete hiatus, requires rewrites)
I have also contributed to the collaborative timeline 'World of the Sundering' (see it here) and have written a lot of stuff for the various Miscellaneous ASOIAF Threads.

I have also written a lot for the 'Robert Reacts' Thread on Spacebattles Forum here.

Much of my stuff is also cross-posted onto Archive of our Own, you can see my account here. My various oneshots are collected together over there for easier reading. Also on, here. I'm also now on Spacebattles here.

Note: I tend to swear a fair amount of the time in whatever stories I'm writing so apologies in advance.


There were no Survivors.


Rest in peace Aslan. May flights of mice take you to the great litterbox in the sky.
Aug 6, 1997 (Age: 26)
Camp Half-Blood
Teacher of Music